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Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on Purim

PM of Canada Justin Trudeau in front of israeli flag


February 28, 2018
Ottawa, Ontario

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Purim:

“Tonight at sundown, Jewish communities in Canada and around the world will celebrate the start of Purim.

“To mark this occasion, families and friends will come together to read from the Book of Esther in the Torah, exchange gifts, and show generosity to those who are less fortunate. Loved ones will also gather to enjoy traditional foods, including pastries like hamantaschen.

“Purim commemorates the escape of the Jews from persecution in the ancient Persian Empire. This story – Esther’s courage, the king’s compassion, the perseverance of the Jewish people – is a reminder that hope, and love, can triumph over hatred.

“Purim is a chance to honour Canada’s Jewish community, and the significant contributions Jewish Canadians make to our country. I invite all Canadians to reflect on the lessons of Purim and celebrate the diversity that makes us strong.

“Today, we also reaffirm our ongoing responsibility to stand together against anti-Semitism, hatred, and discrimination in Canada and around the world.

“On behalf of the Government of Canada, Sophie and I wish all those celebrating a joyful Purim.

“Chag Purim Sameach!”

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